Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Future Prospects

Humans continue to benefit from the Everglades as they get ocean front homes, farmland and even National Parks to observe wildlife; yet they need to understand that the Everglades do not benefit from human invasion in any way. The Everglades still face “severe threats from the impact of surrounding urban sprawl, ecologically unsound water management, agricultural development, invasion of exotic species and fire” from the result of the human population, as “no more than 2% of the original everglades ecosystem is truly intact” (Everglades). 

These environmental factors have been noticed by government officials who are now determined to make the Everglades future better than the past. The Congress has “approved a plan to restore the Everglades, as it is the most expensive and comprehensive environmental repair attempt in history” (Everglades). If the government and society of south Florida are able to work together to make positive changes, the Everglades will see a brighter future. But if humans continue to abuse and destroy the Everglades as they have in the past, the land will continue to decline. 

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